lunedì 1 marzo 2010

CET Student Correspondent News: An Uphill Battle? By Courtney Rogers

Ciao a tutti! I am actually typing this post with my eyes closed right now because it has been such a long day! After class, all I wanted to do was curl up in pajamas with a cup of decaffinated instant cappuccino (they grow on you, trust me) but that was not in the cards because today, I was off on an adventure. A rock climbing adventure.

I had the pipe dream of improving on my skills in my recently acquired love of rock climbing while here in Italy. Although my dream of living out some twist of either the “Lizzy McGuire Movie” or “Roman Holiday” has yet to materialize here in Italia, the rock climbing one is even better than I expected! I joined a gym called Stone Monkey that’s located across the Arno in a very un-touristy part of town (case in point: no gelato stores).

The class was really fun! I think most of the other people in the class were rather wary of me and thought I had no clue what was up, until they saw me on the wall. In fact, I made a few friends who were all highly complimentary of my spidery flamingo moves. The class itself consists of an aerobic warm up, free climbing on the wall, and then an instructor puts you on a path on the wall. It’s so funny because the holds for my path were marked D and S for Destra and Sinistra (right and left). Does this count as studying for Italian?

One of my new friends, Lucia is from France and she takes the same bus that I take to get home from the gym, so I even have a bus buddy! Another girl is still in high school and studying English, so we’ve agreed that I will help her with English and she will help me with Italian, totally a fair trade ...

Courtney Rogers,
CET Florence Spring 2010

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